Finding JOY in the Struggle

Finding JOY in the Struggle

None of us are guaranteed a life without struggle. Joy is a BRAVE decision on how you will respond to life. No matter how difficult your life may seem remember this, joy runs deeper than despair. Consider this perspective, “Nothing happens to you, it happens for you.” God’s plans are always greater than our disappointments. Sometimes God protects us from what we think we want and later blesses us with what our soul needs. Often we must experience things we don’t understand. When trials of any kind happen to us we have two choices. We can turn away from God or we can run toward Him. Storms are sent to wash us clean. Struggles are meant to cleanse us and shape us into better versions of ourselves. Character cannot be developed in easy times, only through struggle do we know what we are made of. Allow your broken dreams become blessed things and find joy in the struggle. Peace, Sarah


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